
Raw material and traceability

Seamless elbows are manufactured exclusively from premium pipe sourced in western Europe. Pipes are stored in segregated lots to ensure optimum traceability conditions during the manufacturing process.

Interfit provides full traceability of the product, right from the pipe sourcing to the full set of certificates, through each step of the manufacturing and testing process, in line with its company policy and warranty and benefiting each customer to the full.

Traceability of the product is guaranteed by die stamping with identification and other information including the manufacturing trade mark as required by the standard. Careful packaging in cartons or on pallets and an advanced system of production control permitting a fast rotation of all the products of the complete range, ensure the best service to Interfit’s customers.

Websites of the Group

Interfit SAS - Sede legale / Registered office: Avenue Joseph Cugnot, Z.I. de Grévaux-les Guides BP 132, 59602 Maubeuge Cedex, France
Capitale sociale / Paid capital € 6,612.00 - Camera di Commercio / Chamber of Commerce: RCS Valenciennes 331 408 591 - IVA / VAT No. FR5331408591
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